ITA students showcase their accomplishments

Hundreds of friends and family of ITA students attended the Information Technology Academy (ITA) 17th Annual Holiday Luncheon on Saturday, December 12, 2015, where students showcased their projects, and answered questions.

Part of DoIT Academic Technology, ITA is an intensive pre-college initiative with the goal of increasing enrollment rates of diverse students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. There is an ITA program in Madison, as well as in Oneida and Lac du Flambeau. The program in Madison launch first and serves as a model for the Oneida and Lac du Flambeau programs. Those two programs are part of the Tribal Technology Institute (TTI) and include ITA-TTI Oneida and ITA-TTI Lac du Flambeau.

ITA students receive four years of intensive training for high-tech, IT-related careers, with thorough preparation for competitive university admissions and study. The TTI programs are three years in length.

There are currently more than 150 ITA students and enrollment will continue to grow as the program expands. The Academy is the only IT outreach program of its kind and scope in the state of Wisconsin.

This was the first year that students from the two Tribal Technology Institute programs also met in Madison. Linda Jorn, DoIT Director of Academic Technology and Associate Vice Provost for Learning Technologies, delivered the keynote address.