ITA student sitting with a young girl at a laptop

Our Programs

ITA is designed to prepare students to be competitive applicants for UW–‍Madison and other colleges and universities. With this in mind, ITA seeks diverse students with academic potential, interest in technology, and a willingness to commit time to the program.

Upon completion of the ITA program and acceptance to UW–‍Madison, graduates become People Scholars and are eligible to receive a 4-year, undergraduate, tuition-only scholarship to UW–‍Madison.

  • Students planning to attend a Madison Metropolitan School District public high school are invited to apply to the ITA – Madison program while they are in the 8th grade.
  • Students in Lac du Flambeau and Oneida communities are invited to apply to the ITA – Lac du Flambeau and ITA – Oneida programs while they are in the 9th grade.

Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents to be eligible to apply to ITA.



Summer Programs

Upon enrollment in ITA, students will attend a two-week summer hands on academic and technology camp held in the student’s community.

  • Year 1: Students will engage in team building, problem solving, and an introduction to campus and ITA resources to help support time management skills and effective student habits. Students will also engage in technology training which will involve HTML/CSS courses, Computer Hardware, and computer troubleshooting which will be the foundation for their technology coursework during the school year.
  • Year 2: Students will participate in the career development camp. This camp focuses on practicing job interview skills, writing effective resumes and cover letters, and career exploration. While students participate in summer camp, they will also begin their ACT exam preparation course which will help them identify challenging areas and demystify the stigma of standardized testing. Students will also participate in video production camp designed to introduce students to the world of cinematography, which includes: directing, writing, and editing their own films.
  • Year 3 & 4: Students will engage in internships held in their perspective communities. While students work in their internship site, they will also participate in the computer systems and services camp, where they will learn software, operating systems, programming, and networking.
  • Final Summer: During their final summer with ITA, rising seniors will live on campus for 1-week. During their stay they will participate in the Summer Residential Experience. This program includes two academic courses: Identity Dialogues which dives deep into individuals’ intersectionality and Intro to  College Prep which is a lecture style course designed to provide students with information about the college admission process. In addition,  a technology course called Get Invested combines technology training and business innovation.

Academic Year Programs

During the school year students will participate in two courses: one academic course and one technology course. These courses will be taught as a blended learning experience for all three sites.



Madison students will participate in the following courses along with 18 Saturday Sessions that are held in the Computer Science Building at UW–Madison.

Freshman Year: Fall Study Skills Photography & Graphic Design
Freshman Year: Spring Leadership Web Design
Sophomore Year: Fall Leadership II Sound Design
Sophomore Year: Spring Career Development Office Suite & Data Visualization
Junior Year:
Fall and Spring
ACT Prep & Emotional Intelligence Programming
Senior Year:
Fall and Spring
College Prep Senior Capstone



Oneida and Lac du Flambeau

Oneida and Lac du Flambeau students will participate in the Spring Conference, an event held each year during the Spring Semester where students visit UW–Madison for a 3-day weekend.

Oneida and Lac du Flambeau students will also participate in the following courses along with 3 cohort sessions (Saturday & Sunday) held in each site.

Oneida icon decorative background

Lac Du Flambeau icon decorative background

Sophomore Year:
Fall and Spring
Study Skills & Leadership Multimedia Design
Junior Year:
Fall and Spring
ACT Prep & Emotional Intelligence Computer Systems & Programming
Senior Year:
Fall and Spring
College Prep Senior Capstone

PEOPLE Scholarship Eligibility

Students who successfully complete ITA and have been directly admitted or admitted as transfer students to UW–Madison may be eligible for a four-year Wisconsin resident tuition scholarship through PEOPLE.

To be eligible for the PEOPLE Scholarship:

  • ITA students must successfully complete ITA;
  • Receive approval for instate tuition by the UW–Madison Registrar’s Office;
  • Complete the FAFSA;
  • And abide by all academic and non-academic requirements for the University of Wisconsin Madison and PEOPLE Scholarship.

Note that completion of ITA does not guarantee admission or in-state tuition to UW–Madison.



Reach out to your case manager or email us at

ITA: Information Technology Academy