ITA Students Celebrate Hmong New Year

By Liliana Teniente

In honor of Hmong New Year, some ITA students set aside the weekend of November 4 and 5 to partake in the community’s Hmong cultural celebration where they said farewell to the current year and welcomed good health and prosperity in the coming year.

ITA students, Samantha (top middle) and Owen (bottom right) pictured with their friends at the Madison Hmong New Year celebration.
ITA students, Samantha (top middle) and Owen (bottom right) pictured with their friends at the Madison Hmong New Year celebration.

Madison’s Hmong New Year celebration took place at the Alliant Energy Center where families gathered for traditional Hmong festivities and culture, such as ball tossing, exciting singing and dance competitions, and great food.

ITA sophomore student, Samantha (Sam) attended the Hmong New Year celebration where she helped her aunt set up and sell her sweet treats at a food stand.

“My friends and I all walked, shopped, and ate Hmong food while supporting another friend who was performing at the celebration. Lastly, my family all gathered and took a traditional dressed Hmong portrait together!”

This celebration welcomes the new year, marks the end of the harvest season, and gives thanks to ancestors while honoring and preserving traditions and accomplishments.